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St. Maximus the Confessor Orthodox Mission is an Orthodox mission located near Coats, North Carolina, in Harnett County. Our church follows the Western Rite (Liturgy of St. Tikhon, a modified Anglican liturgy), and we value tradition as it provides the best way to live Christ-like lives of truth, beauty, and goodness. We are  a conservative Church that accepts the traditional doctrinal and moral teachings of Orthodox Christianity. We are affiliated with the Holy Orthodox Church -- Western Rite which is part of the Apostolic Orthodox Church / Orthodox Church of

America / Ukrainian Autocephlous Orthodox Church. Anyone is welcome to visit, and we trust that you will find a warm reception. 


You may notice that our current place of worship is rustic, a cleared space set off in a large shed. I use battery-operated candles due to flammable materials and dust in the shed, and safety is a priority. I did my best on a limited budget to make a place of worship with dignity and beauty, and I hope you find that to be the case.

What We Believe

The teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church (Western Rite) are based on Holy Tradition, which includes Holy Scripture, the works of the Church Fathers, the Seven Ecumenical Councils, and the Nicene and Apostle's Creed.

We are led by bishops, which we believe to be the successors of the apostles. The line of consecration of our bishops leads back to Jesus himself, who ordained the apostles. Originally the apostles served as bishops, with each church having a plurality of presbyters (elders) and deacons. As the apostles died, the presider at the Liturgy over the Eucharist, one of the elders, became the bishop of a particular church. As the church grew, instead of one bishop per congregation, the bishop ruled over a diocese. We accept the position of St. Ignatius of Antioch: "Where the bishop is, the church is there also." Our current bishop is Timothy of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Our Archbishop (or Metropolitan) is Metropolitan Michael. At the top of the hierarchy is the Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew.

We reject the doctrine of a Pope with authority to tell other bishops what to do. The Bishop of Rome traditionally held a primacy of honor, and he could mediate disputes, but he did not have the suthority to order other bishops around. The Pope usurped this authority later, but the Orthodox consider that an illegitimate abuse of power and a denial of the view that all bishops are equal.

We are a traditional Orthodox Church that accepts the Holy Trinity, God as three persons in one substance, and Christ as fully God, fully man. We affirm the virgin birth of Christ and the bodily resurrection of Christ after he was crucified. We believe in the resurrection of the dead at the end of the age when Christ returns, some to eternal life with God on a renewed earth and heaven, and others to hell. We accept the doctrine of deification, in which a person becomes more like God over time with the help of the Holy Spirit; this never includes identity with God in Himself. We are not pantheists. We believe Christ's life, teachings, death, and resurrection were for our salvation from sin and death. We look forward to the day when death "hath no dominion" over mankind. 

We accept the doctrine of the Real Presence of Christ in the bread and wine of the Divine Liturgy, We do not try to define how this takes place. Christ is present in a real way in the bread and wine in both his divine and human natures. Attempts to define how this process occur, such as Transubstantiation, are not part of the teachings of the Orthodox Church.  

Our moral teachings are traditional; on the positive side, we encourage corporeal works of mercy, forgiveness of others, and the virtues such as humility and charity.

We believe that sacramental marriage is only between a man and a woman. We hold that premarital sex is a sin and that sexual relations should be between a husband and his wife exclusively. We affirm the objective wrongness of homosexual acts and believe that everyone is either a man or a woman. We consider abortion to be a grave moral evil. 

The Orthodox emphasize the mystical life, the process of getting closer to God through exercises such as the "Jesus Prayer"--"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." Salvation is not a point action but is something that involves the whole of life transformed by the love of God.


St. Maximus the Confessor Orthodox Mission is a new Orthodox mission in Harnett County, North Carolina, near Coats, affiliated with the Celtic Christian Orthodox Church, which is under the Orthodox Church of America/Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. We are a traditional Orthodox Church holding to the fullness of the ancient Christian faith. Our liturgy is Western Rite, modified from the 1928 Anglican Book of Common Prayer, and is called The Liturgy of St. Tikhon. The Gregorian Liturgy is also permitted, without the Filioque in the Nicene Creed. Our theological and moral teachings are traditional, following Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition. We hope you visit our rustic, but I trust, beautiful, chapel and have a meaningful experience of worshipping God. 



Currently meeting at the home of Father Michael Potts

1226 Festus Road

Coats, NC 27521



Worship Time


Divine Liturgy: 2:00 p.m., Sundays​



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