St. Maximus the Confessor Orthodox Mission is an Orthodox mission located near Coats, North Carolina, in Harnett County. Our church follows the Western Rite (Liturgy of St. Tikhon, a modified Anglican liturgy), and we value tradition as it provides the best way to live Christ-like lives of truth, beauty, and goodness. We are a conservative Church that accepts the traditional doctrinal and moral teachings of Orthodox Christianity. We are affiliated with the Holy Orthodox Church -- Western Rite which is part of the Apostolic Orthodox Church / Orthodox Church of
America / Ukrainian Autocephlous Orthodox Church. Anyone is welcome to visit, and we trust that you will find a warm reception.
You may notice that our current place of worship is rustic, a cleared space set off in a large shed. I use battery-operated candles due to flammable materials and dust in the shed, and safety is a priority. I did my best on a limited budget to make a place of worship with dignity and beauty, and I hope you find that to be the case.